Erik Binder študoval na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave, vystavoval kolektívne aj samostatne na mnohých prestížnych adresách po celom svete. Dvakrát vystavoval v pavilóne Českej a Slovenskej republiky na Bienále v Benátkach v rokoch 1999 a 2003. V roku 2021 mu Slovenská národná galéria usporiadala samostatnú výstavu. Svoj umelecký program nechal vyrásť na zrkadlovom prevrátení postupu tvorivej práce. Rád hovorí, že je nekonceptuálny umelec, lebo diela vlastne netvorí ale nachádza. V intermediálnych objektoch a inštaláciách mu nejde o jediný tvorivý akt ale aj o zachytenie procesu tvorby a interakciu s publikom. Dokáže vytrhávať nápady a významy z bežných situácií a obohacovať ich o nové súvislosti. Pracuje s materiálmi a technikami všetkých farieb, tvarov, skupenstiev, rád spolupracuje s inými autormi/kami a jeho diela vždy prekvapujú.
Autorka textu: Lucia G. Stach
Erik Binder graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, and has exhibited both collectively and individually at many prestigious addresses around the world. He has exhibited twice in the Czech and Slovak pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 1999 and 2003. In 2021, The Slovak National Gallery held a solo exhibition for him. His artistic programme is based on a mirror inversion of the creative process. He likes to say that he is a non-conceptual artist, because he doesn’t actually create the works but rather finds them. In his intermedia objects and installations, he is not interested in a single creative act but also in capturing the creative process and in interaction with his audience. He manages to extract ideas and meanings from ordinary situations and enhance them with new contexts. Erik works with materials and techniques of all colours, shapes, states, likes to collaborate with other authors and his works always surprise.
Author of the text: Lucia G. Stach
1991 – 1999 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Graphic Printmaking and other media; Painting Department, Studio of Daniel Fischer | 1997 – 1998 Academy of Fine Art, Prague (CZ), Studio of Vladimír Kokolia (Scholarship) | 1999 – 2002 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava (ArtD dissertation)