Portréty hviezd z prehrávaných CD v aute na turné, popíjanie z fliaš a čakanie na najbližšiu pumpu, kde príde úľava. Maľba/objekty za posledný polrok jeho tvorby v sebe nesú mix už tradičných záznamov banálnych situácií, predmetov so štipkou naivity, ironizácie a odkazy na záujmy, ako napríklad láska k hudbe či práci v ateliéri. V obrazoch sa často objavujú aj predmety, ktoré sú charakteristické pre punkovú subkultúru (pyramídy, vybíjané opasky, diery na rifliach). Opakuje sa aj motív fliaš (séria Dancing bottles, Bottle Tree), ktorý ešte nevyprchal z mojej diplomovej práce s názvom krčma.
Portraits of stars from CDs played in the car on the tour, drinking from bottles and waiting for the closest gas station, where relief will come. Paintings/objects from the last half year of his work bear a mixture of already traditional records of banal situations, subjects with a bit of ingenousness, irony and references to interests, such as love for music or work in atelier. In paintings, objects typical for punk subculture often appear (pyramids, studded belts, holes on jeans). The theme of bottles from his diploma work called „Pub“ is repeated (Dancing bottles, Bottle Tree), it still did not evaporate.
2015 – 2009 Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Painting and other mediums, 4th atelier | 2008 – 2004 School of commercial art design of J. Vydru, Bratislava, Advertising art design
2016, 2014, 2013 VÚB foundation award for painting for young artists, finalist