Venuje sa vytváraniu obrazov, a to primárne v médiu kresby. V posledných rokoch pracovala napríklad aj s linorytom, gobelínmi a sieťotlačou, kreslila niťou po stene a v priestore, ryla do plexiskla. Jej práci však nie je nosným problémom alebo predmetom záujmu samotné médium kresby, je to však zatiaľ jej najvhodnejšia forma, ktorú momentálne používa, a ktorou sa vie vyjadriť. Ťažisko jej záujmu okrem formálnych kresebných možností a technických riešení je orientované viac k obsahovej zložke jej obrazov, a to napríklad k témam ako (vlastný) príbeh, príbeh verzus psychologizácia, irónia v umení, spoločensko – kultúrne vzťahy, mytológia, pop kultúra, post – produkcia, atď.
Primarily she dedicates herself to creating images in the art medium of drawing. In last years, she has also worked with linocut, tapestry and screen printing, drawing with a thread on the wall and in the space, pinking in Plexiglas. In her work, however, the medium of drawing is not a matter of constraint or a subject of interest, but it is the most appropriate form she currently uses and she can express herself with. The focus of her interest, apart from the formal drawings and technical solutions, is more related to the content component of her images, such as (own) story, story versus psychologization, irony in art, socio – cultural relations, mythology, pop culture, post – production, etc.
2011 PhD Studies, Studio +-XXI of Daniel Fischer, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovak Republic | 2007 – 2010 MA Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic | 2004 – 2008 BA Printmaking, Faculty of Arts, Technical Uuniversity Košice, Slovak Republic
2013 1st Prize Winner, Jerwood Drawing Prize, United Kingdom | 2012 finalist, VÚB Foundation Award for Painting for Young Artists, Slovak Republic | 2011 finalist, VÚB Prize for Painting 2012 | 2011 nominee, Essl Art Award CEE, Czech Republic | 2011 finalist, Art Critics’ Award for oung Painting, Czech Republic