Interview with Miroslav Sandanus in the Čerstvé ovocie show

Miroslav Sandanus vo svojej tvorbe skloňuje problémy človeka, prírody a dopadu jeho činností na ňu. Zahltenie odpadom tematizoval v sérii malieb s kolážovými a asamblážovými vstupmi, na ktorých zachytával cyklus konzumu. Ekologicky kritický kontext mali i melancholické krajinné zátišia a atmosférické prírodné javy, ktoré v sebe vždy obsahovali prvok znečistenia či zničenia. Je absolventom Otvoreného ateliéru maľby u Rastislava Podobu na Akadémii umení v Banskej Bystrici. Má za sebou rad samostatných a kolektívnych výstav prevažne v slovenských mestách, svoju tvorbu však predstavil i v zahraničí na kolektívnych prehliadkach v Paríži, či Benátkach. V rokoch 2022, 2021 bol finalistom súťaže Maľba roka, a v roku 2020 sa umiestnil na 3. mieste. V roku 2022 sa stal laureátom ceny Martina Benku.

Autorka textu: Jana Babušiaková


In his work, Miroslav Sandanus focuses on problems of a human, nature and the impact of his activities on it. He chose the topic of being swamped by waste for a series of paintings with collage and assemblage entries, in which he captured the cycle of consumption. Melancholic landscape still lifes and atmospheric natural phenomena, which always contained an element of pollution or destruction, also had an ecologically critical context to them. He graduated at the Open painting studio of Rastislav Podoba at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. He has had a number of individual and collective exhibitions, mainly in Slovak cities, but he has also presented his work abroad at collective shows in Paris and Venice. In 2022 and 2021, he was a finalist in the Painting of the Year competition, and in 2020, he took the 3rd place. In 2022, he became a laureate of the Martin Benka award.

Author of the text: Jana Babušiaková